We help startups, individuals, and small businesses have a greater impact.



Looking to grow and improve your venture? Want an outside perspective? As former and current founders, consultants at Crescendo Management will identify opportunities to get you there.


Individuals and Creatives

You are your business. Whether you are a musician, an author, or motivational speaker, your best bet at success is to apply the same techniques as a small business to get your name out there, promote your work, and generate more revenue. We’re here to help you do just that.


Small Businesses

Whether you're a mom and pop shop, family-owned business, boutique, or a side hustle, Crescendo Management will support you in taking your business to the next level. We are here to serve as trusted advisors in the early stages of business planning, expanding your current operations, and answering critical business questions that let you move forward confidently.

We pride ourselves in taking a data-driven and customer-centric approach. Whatever challenges you are facing, we are here to help you find a way forward with confidence.